Friday, July 23, 2010


Kenyans are really good at celebrating. When we came, singing and dancing children greeted us. Everywhere we went, people performed, prepared food, and were just so excited to see us. The women especially exuded joy when they sang and danced, and I would just watch in awe and wonder. They’re lives are so hard (see the blog about that), but they are so radiant dancing around in the dirt.

When we turned on the well, they sang songs that said things like “Jesus never changes” and “God can give us water.” In church we sang things like “We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord. Jesus, I love you, you are my savior” and “You are Lord, you are Father.” It was always very simple ideas repeated over and over, but to hear it from them and to sing it with them was incredibly powerful.

I just looked through my videos and pictures to try to find something of this, but I don’t have anything. I think I was just too amazed to even think about trying to record it. Oh well, I guess you’ll have to go sometime to see it :).

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